Wednesday, May 1, 2013


Hey everyone! I've done pretty well the past couple of days and yesterday during one of my obsessive weigh-ins was happy to see I was back down, not only having lost anything I regained last week, but an additional .2 lbs!

Soooo....just thought I'd drop in and share that little tidbit. I'm slowly, slowly accepting that I am making changes to be healthier first and foremost AND that these are changes that I have to put into place for the rest of my life. There are going to be bad days (and weeks) but what matters is that I pick myself up, dust myself off and get back on that horse again. Time after time after time.

I've said this before, but it bears repeating...I want to LIVE my life, not just let it pass me by. There are so many things I want to do, see, and accomplish. And while the scale isn't moving as quickly as I like (even when I'm on track), there are still changes happening. My pants are looser. I'm not in so much pain. I have more energy. I'm I'm a generally better mood. These are all positives. All I have to do is keep putting one foot in front of the other and have my sights set on these small changes now adding up to big ones for my future.

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